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The rationale for the Early Starters Preschool curriculum is to provide through play and use of creative learning and teaching approaches, a positive learning experience to make children ready for big kids’ school. 


We follow the Government of Ghana Kindergarten Curriculum for KG1. We also use the five curriculum areas of Montessori Education. The infant and toddler classes; Hibiscus, Periwinkle, and Sunflower have school-based curriculum based on eclectic learning theories.



Educational Content

Aimed at fostering holistic development. This includes nurturing early numeracy skills, promoting language and literacy proficiency, facilitating French language acquisition, engaging in physical activities such as aerobics, exploring creative expressions through music, movement, and drama, encouraging artistic pursuits through art and craft activities, fostering imagination and creativity through imaginative play, and nurturing social-emotional skills through tailored learning experiences.



Children are assessed periodically to ensure they are meeting developmental and learning milestones.  The results are used to provide individualized teaching and learning. 

Open Days are held during the second term for parents of children below three years.  This is to give parents the opportunity to see what the child is doing and an additional opportunity to interact with the child’s aunties on the child’s academic and social development. 


Parent Conferences are held during the second term for parents of children in the Sunflower (N2) and Dandelion (KG1) classes.  Our assessments are used to create an individualized report for each child that shows progress against certain standards. The report is shared with families and discussed during Parent Conference. Parents are given practical strategies so that, together with the school, the child is assisted to overcome their challenge.  



General Aims

The Early Starters Preschool curriculum is aimed at developing individuals who are literate, good problem solvers, have the ability to think creatively, and have both the confidence and competence to participate fully as a responsible Ghanaian and global citizen. 



Specific Aims

  • Develop self-control through social-emotional learning and independent play. 

  • Acquire essential skills in language. 

  • Acquire essential skills in literacy. 

  • Explicit instruction with scope and sequence decoding and encoding print. 

  • Develop the appropriate socio-cultural interactive skills. 

  • Develop essential numeracy skills  

  • Develop the awareness of the effective use of ICT.  

  • Develop the spirit of curiosity, creativity, innovation, and critical thinking for understanding and developing themselves, their community, and the world. 

  • Auto-education; self-education using Montessori education.  




  • Early Number Concept, Number Sense, and Numeracy 

  • Language and Literacy 

  • French  

  • Aerobics  

  • Music, Movement, and Drama 

  • Art and Craft 

  • Imaginative Play 

  • Social-emotional learning 



Pedagogical Teaching

  • Use of relevant play-based methods  

  • Create a rich literate environment 

  • Use differentiation and scaffolding  

  • Use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) as a teaching and learning tool 

  • Integrate assessment into teaching and learning process as an accountability strategy 

  • Montessori Methods 

  • Use of Hands-on and multisensory approaches 


French Lessons

Early exposure to language promotes healthy development and many cognitive and social benefits that will last a lifetime.

We have partnered with a local activity centre to provide French immersion learning sessions to our children.

French is taught through poems, songs and rhymes.

 Our Early Starters learn to develop familiarity with our francophone neighbours, preparing them to become global citizens. Our Early Starters look forward to each fun session! 


Physical Education 

Physical activity is essential for a child’s development. It helps to develop healthy social, cognitive, and emotional skills while building self-esteem and confidence.

  Friday mornings kick off with energising workout sessions led by an aerobics instructor, set to contemporary music, followed by a variety of fun activities including sand and water play, imaginative play, art, puzzles, and enjoying our play and learning equipment, such as a climbing house.


Music, Movement, Drama 

Music, movement, and dramatic play support skills for school readiness; including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, creativity, and literacy.

Children at Early Starters are encouraged to engage in artistic expression through listening to music and singing.

Our Early Starters also enjoy movement and drama through Ghanaian cultural dance and drama sessions. We have weekly music sessions with an organist and love to see and hear the beautiful art our children create!


Art Lessons

Art in early childhood education increases the capacity of memory, attention, and concentration and introduces children to new vocabulary and concepts. 

Our art lessons are designed to enhance and support each child's creative skills.  They design, make, draw, exhibit, and respond to their own artwork and that of their classmates.


Early Starters learn to derive meaning and make a judgement about artwork based on their own unique sense of beauty and style.

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